How To Pack Music and CD's 
To Pack Music and CD's you'll need:
- Packing Tape
- Plastic peanuts or blank newsprint
- Small boxes
How To Pack Music and CD's:
- Pad the bottom of the box with wadded-up blank newsprint
or Styrofoam peanuts.
- Place a stack of CDs in the middle of the box. If your
box is big enough and you don't have a lot of CDs, put your
entire CD holder in the center - CDs and all. CDs can weigh
a lot, so you'll probably have to divide them into several
- Fill in tightly all around and on top with peanuts or
wadded paper so the CDs won't jiggle.
- Packing Tape and label CDs. You're all done!
to Packing
Moving and Storage @ Mover MAX
