The provisions
and information set forth in this (publication/software) are
intended to be informational and not contractual in nature.
Thus, this (publication/software program) is not intended,
and shall not be construed, to constitute a contract between
any person, listed business, or legal entity of any and every
nature whatsoever.
MoverMAX.com hereby reserves and retains the right to amend,
alter, change, delete, or modify any of the provisions of
this (publication/software) at any time, and from time to
time, without notice, in any manner that is deemed in the
best interest of MoverMAX.com.
All listings are published in good faith that the information
submitted to us by the listed business is accurate and correct.
MoverMAX.com does not claim that the information in the listing
is accurate, only that it is published exactly as submitted
by the various listed businesses.
MoverMAX.com does not in any way stated or implied endorse
or recommend any one or all of the listed businesses.
